=============== Bowen Storm Surge Gauge Predicted Interval Data ================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The data files contain the predicted tide height at the specified location at regular intervals of time. Users of this information should be aware that the heights shown are predictions only and that the actual water height may vary due to meteorological conditions (including barometric pressure, wind effect and storm surges) and seasonal variations. The tide predictions were calculated by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. The data provided for years prior to 2017 has been interpolated from hourly interval tide prediction data. This product is based on Bureau of Meteorology information that has subsequently been modified. The Bureau does not necessarily support or endorse, or have any connection with, the product. In respect of that part of the information which is sourced from the Bureau, and to the maximum extent permitted by law: (i) The Bureau makes no representation and gives no warranty of any kind whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise in respect to the availability, accuracy, currency, completeness, quality or reliability of the information or that the information will be fit for any particular purpose or will not infringe any third party Intellectual Property rights; and ii) the Bureau's liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense resulting from use of, or reliance on, the information is entirely excluded. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The data is formatted in two columns separated by a single space: ' '. The first column is the datetime in the following format: 'DDMMYYYYhhmm'. 'DD' is the day of the month as a two digit integer 'MM' is the month of the year as a two digit integer 'YYYY' is the year as a four digit integer 'hh' is the hour of the day (using 24 hour time) as a two digit integer 'mm' is the minute of the hour as a two digit integer. The second column is the water level value in metres in the following format: 'si.fff'. 's' is a prefix indicating if the value is positive or negative positive values are denoted by a space ' ' negative value are denoted by a dash '-'. 'i.fff' is the height of the value in metres For example, the line '190120380314 3.142' refers to a predicted height of 3.142 metres at 03:14am on the 19th of January 2038. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tidal Station Number,061007A Tidal Station Name,Bowen Storm Surge Latitude Degrees,-20 Latitude Minutes,01 Longitude Degrees,148 Longitude Minutes,15 Time Zone,UTC+10 (AEST) Owner of readings,Queensland Government Data Type,Prediction Interval (minutes),10 Station Datum,Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) Benchmark Description,PSM 10009 Elevation of Benchmark relative to Station Datum (metres),8.689 Readings are referred to,Lowest Astronomical Tide Datum Readings are the following height (metres) above Station Datum,0.000 Australian Height Datum (AHD) level (metres) relative to station datum,1.776 ================================================================================